Assembly line description
Jiang Chen's CHS1803 hybrid transmission assembly line serving Keliyuan is the first deep hybrid transmission production line project in China. The assembly line includes shell pressing, motor assembly, and testing, completing the assembly production from parts to the whole machine. The production line has the characteristics of high automation rate, high flexibility, and high-quality assembly.
The entire line includes traction motor assembly, generator assembly, high-speed clutch assembly, low-speed clutch assembly, valve body assembly, input planetary gear assembly, output planetary gear assembly, final assembly, and testing.
The hybrid transmission assembly line with the theme of "intelligence, green, and quality" can flexibly adapt to the production of multiple types of transmission hybrid lines, and integrates advanced manufacturing technologies such as high-speed truss manipulators, bolt automatic feeding, high-precision measurement, and manufacturing execution systems. The equipment includes high-precision flexible servo press fitting machine, high-precision multi head servo press fitting machine, precision shell bearing height measuring machine, precision automatic measurement and selection machine, electrical performance testing machine, airtightness testing machine, robot box closing machine, multifunctional robot workstation, motor fixed rotor assembly machine, oiling and running in machine, and wire truss manipulator.